
JOIN US WITH GUEST DR. FAYE WEEMS-SINGLETON, LMFT TO DISCUSS CLERGY-CARE AND CLERGY MENTAL HEALTH. Our guiding question for this episode asks, “Why do so many ministry leaders suffer in silence and how do they get help?”

The TheoTherapist Podcast, where we explore the intersections connecting theology and mental health. The TheoTherapist podcast is hosted by Dr. Ca Trice Glenn, practical theologian and licenced therapist.

Episode Timeline

01:10 Guest Introduction

02:35 Working with African American Clergy

04:25 Dr. Weems-Singleton Clergy Research

12:45 Topic Introduction

14:45 Clergy Self-Violence

18:15 Clergy Burnout

24:40 Helping Clergy Accept the Need for Help

27:35 Clergy and Workaholism

31:30 'No' is a Sacred Word, 'No' Sets Boundaries

33:55 How can “The Church” Become Safer for Clergy Vulnerability?

36:15 Clergy Sabbaticals

Church members need to pray for pastors:
“Just like Jesus there is humanity here. And you need to pray for the humanity. You need to recognize that there is humanity in the midst of this call, there is a human here, and that human needs care.” – Dr. Ca Trice Glenn

Podcast Host


Rev. Dr. Ca Trice Glenn, LPC, ACS


Through counseling, consulting and training, Dr. Glenn shares her passion for wellness and balance. Over the last 20 years, she has held leadership positions in the entertainment, corporate, information technology and counseling fields. In addition to her professional experience, she also lives out her life’s vocational calling as an ordained minister. Dr. Glenn uses her gifts to educate and care for others seeking holistic wellness. Through counseling, consulting and training, Dr. Glenn shares her passion for wellness and balance.

Podcast Guest


Rev. Dr. Faye Weems-Singleton, LMFT


A seasoned pastoral counselor with over a decade of private practice experience and over twenty years educating in higher education and seminary institutions. Dr. Faye Weems-Singleton is a creative, passionate, and dedicated Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling and a licensed marriage and family therapist, with over twenty years of teaching experience in higher education and the seminary and eleven years in therapeutic practice. Dr. Faye is distinguished for her interactive and engaging instruction, her therapy practices that encompasses a broad and diverse demographic and her research with the African American family, particularly the African American male.